Excellent operational begins with safety leadership at all levels of the organization.
We are committed to health, safety and environment by setting health, safety and environment goals as indicators of progress and measurable as part of our business performance, and monitoring performance to achieve continuous improvement.
- Ensuring that health, safety and environmental standards are taken into account when designing, engineering and deploying our services and products.
- Training our employees on health, safety and environmental standards to increase awareness of health, safety and environmental risks and prevention methods.
- Maintain and updated response plan to limit the impact of any emergency, business disruption, our crisis.
- Meet international, national and customers standards and requirements.
- Protecting the environment through responsible planning and providing solutions aimed at reducing the environmental impact of our business
- Promoting health, safety and environmental behaviors in the spirit of “zero defects”, and rewarding outstanding performance and initiatives in the field.
- Eliminate HSE incidents through a strong culture of reporting and effective investigation of near misses and suspicious incidents.
Mrs. Lila Elwaraqi
Executive Manager :
Eng. Mahmoud Serag.
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